We have lots of exciting things to cover but we will start off with the fact that Oliver has just turned 1 year old ! We celebrated his actual birthday (Sept. 24th) with a little breakfast birthday cake.
On Saturday we threw Oliver his first birthday party. The weather was perfect and lots of Oliver's friends joined in the celebration.
Ollie ate his birthday cake with such fervor but we expected nothing less from our little man. The cake was made especially for Oliver by his grandma. Yummy!
Even Winnie the Pooh made an appearance although I think Oliver was a little surprised to see Winnie the Pooh so animated.
Aliza had no qualms about sitting on Winnie the Pooh's lap.
We visited the Children's Museum where Oliver learned how to blow big bubbles with his friend Zoe.
Baby Carey didn't think the bubbles were all that exciting. Perhaps in a few months he will think differently.
Ollie also helped us pick a paint color for the back hallway. I must say, this boy has taste!