I know, I know. It's been way too long since our last post. Sadly, I really don't have many excuses except that between summer activities, regular life and all the other stuff we tend to sprinkle into all the "free" time, Jennifer and I have simply been remiss. We apologize, especially to Oliver. Sooo, here are the highlights from the summer and some more recent fun activities we've been up to.
Oliver had another great time celebrating Passover at his friend Zoe's house. We broke a few Passover rules to allow the kids to eat some yummy Easter cupcakes. They were just too delicious to resist.
We continued the Easter fun by dying eggs for the first time with Oliver. He loved every second of the creative process and Marina actually broke more eggs than Oliver. He's quite skilled to say the least.
Oliver also spent a lot of the summer and spring walking the dogs with us. Most of the time though, he chose to walk something else while Jennifer and I walked the pugs.
In May, Oliver celebrated the 4th birthday of his good friend Zoe at Chuck-e-cheese. He had such a fun time playing with all the arcade games.
Oliver, Auntie Q and I participated in a really fun event this spring...the Boston Pops! While Jennifer was home recovering from her tonsillectomy, Auntie Q and I took Oliver to experience some truly amazing live music. He stayed riveted for almost 2 hours straight. He was so inspired when we got home that he couldn't resist trying to recreate the experience.
We all got to have some fun this summer marching in the Town Day parade representing his school. Ollie had a great time marching and handing out candy to all the kids watching.
As usual, this summer was filled with softball and as usual Oliver accompanied us to almost every game and to any and all the after game festivities we had. (there is only juice in his Bud Light cup)
The summer just wouldn't be the same without Oliver getting his summer hair cut. Pretty handsome if you ask me.
We also had so many fun times in CT this summer. Oliver is getting more and more brave in the water and demonstrates little fear when jumping in.
Oliver had so much fun playing with his Auntie Stacey in CT also. She really knows how to get his creative juices flowing.
Every time June roles around that means it's time to celebrate Gay Pride in Boston. This year, we took the train in and braved the rainy weather to celebrate. Oliver was a perfect companion and really made the day easy on us.
Like most summers, this one was filled with a trip to the Bronx Zoo to celebrate Mother's Day. Every year it becomes more and more fun to do this trip with Oliver because he is more aware of all the animals and can really start to enjoy the whole experience. Oh, and the butterflies really seemed to like him.
Oliver has become quite the helper and took it upon himself to assist us with our landscaping work. It's nice to finally have a man around the house. Now if only he could carry the air conditioners up from the basement.
Of course the summer wasn't only filled with work. We had our fare share of play too. Oliver loves the water so we had to indulge him with a little pool for the backyard. That is one happy boy!
Just recently, Grandma and Grandpa Novoa went with us on an awesome whale watching trip. We must have seen 15-20 whales! Quite a first time outing for our little guy. He did very well on the long boat trip and really loved seeing the Humpbacks do their thing.
What better way to close out the summer of softball than with a rainbow hat and a piggy back ride on Auntie Q?! Seriously, could this kid be any luckier?!
This past weekend we had a hell of a good time celebrating our good friend's 40th birthday in a spectacular house down in Norwell MA. Oliver got to play with not only his buddy Zoe but also Aliza as well as all of his Aunties! It was awesome to say the least.
So, I hope you enjoyed this much anticipated and long awaited post. We will do our best to be more diligent about posting more often and keeping you well informed on the many adventures of our little man.
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