Thursday, July 30, 2009

Oliver is 10 months!!!

10 months ago our lives changed in the most dramatically miraculous way. Our little boy has certainly grown in to a big boy over these past few months. He weighs in at 21 lbs 10.5 oz and 29" tall. Our muscles are getting a good workout but we are loving every moment of watching our son grow.

Ollie was his usual happy self at his well visit at the pediatrician's office. Thank God for the paper sheet on the exam table and all the fun medical wires.

Oliver was such a good patient. He sat very well while Dr. Rosenthal did his 25 point health inspection.
He also enjoyed spending some time with Gabriel last week and seeing all the fun things he will get to do when he is 2.5 years old.
Oliver also enjoyed some time with Grandma and Grandpa in Connecticut for Grandma's birthday. One would have thought it was Oliver's birthday with all the fun new toys that were waiting for him when we arrived. I think the Choo Choo Train was his favorite.
Ollie also got to practice his crawling skills while in Connecticut. He's really doing well with it now and is already working on pulling himself up and walking. In the mean time, he's enjoying taking things off my bedside table, turning over the garbage pale in our bedroom, and being a overall good little destroyer. Here's a quick video of him burning rubber on my parent's kitchen floor.

Oliver is also doing really well with feeding himself. He started working on the pureed food which really made a good ole' mess.

He also enjoyed eating mini bagels in his new walker (what a good little 1/4 Jew).
Oliver in his new walker with his best friend Stella always near by.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Recaping the past two weeks

I know we've been bad and have not posted recently but it's been a busy July so far. We've included lots of photos for this post to try and make up for lost time. Now, let's recap.

A few weeks ago we went blueberry picking with our friends Jeff, Shawn, Zoe, Angie, Katie, Aliza and Auntie Q (a.k.a. Suzanne).

Oliver found his super dexterity to come in handy while picking some plump and juicy berries.

Ok, so he wasn't actually picking any blueberries but he was doing so in his dreams...we promise.
By the end of the afternoon Zoe was an expert blueberry picker. I'm sure she and her Mom cooked up a yummy blueberry pie later that day.
Aliza was all cozy in her carrier while her Moms selected some juicy blueberries.
Ollie enjoying a little awake time after all the blueberry picking. This kid really knows how to avoid doing any of the work yet reaping all the benefits. Ummm. I think we are going to have our hands full with this one!
Oliver and Aliza (and Jennifer and Angie) getting ready to depart the blueberry farm.
Oliver also discovered a new toy at Zoe's house...a school bus. Observing how much he seemed to enjoy riding it and being rolled around we ran out and purchased his very own (although his is a fire truck). I think Oliver likes it. What do you think?

Oliver also discovered his newest food love...pickles! That's right, pickles. I guess he does take after both his pickle loving Moms after all.
The biggest thing to happen in the past two weeks was that Oliver finally learned to crawl!!! Just shy of being 9-1/2 months old, on Saturday July 11th, Oliver took his first real crawling strides on his knees!!! We were so excited to be able to capture it on film (or digital file for all you semantic sticklers). Oliver has been teasing us for a while with crawling attempts and frustrated angst but he finally bit the bullet and got off his belly and took his first strides towards being a super evolved homo sapien. Check out the movie below!

Thanks to Zoe for supplying the awesome homemade toy that Oliver coveted enough to motivate him to take his first crawling steps.


My two people watchers.

My three little beggers. Really, they were all begging for the cheese I was eating.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Happy 4th from Westport

We spent a beautiful weekend in Westport, CT to celebrate the 4th of July. This year, though, Grandma and Grandpa were not present since they are traveling around eastern Europe right now so instead, Oliver and his Moms joined their friends Shawn, Jeff & Zoe and Katie, Angie & Aliza for a fun time in Connecticut.

This holiday marks the first time Oliver has ever gone in a pool and he was not disappointed. Oliver loved splashing around from his whale float as well as attempting to do a freestyle stroke. He also went under water and while he was a little stunned he didn't cry and really didn't seem horribly phased by it.

Aliza also made her debut in the pool but took a slightly more cautious approach. Who can blame her, she is only 4 months old, but a brave 4 months old.
Zoe dove right in to all the fun and really seemed to have a good time as well.

Oliver had a little man-to-man time with Jeff, the only other male there this weekend. I'm pretty sure Jeff shared some crawling secrets with Oliver and perhaps threw in a few other pointers as well.

We also took several walks this weekend with the whole gang including a trip to the Wesport Dog Park.

Shawn even got friendly with Bowie, one of Katie and Angie's dogs. This was a sight we thought we would never see.

Oliver also took this opportunity to spend a little quality time with his half-sib Aliza. She is growing up so fast and before we know it they are going to be playing stick ball on the streets...ok maybe not stick ball but perhaps Nintendo Wii.